- Recommit to YOU
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- Recommit to YOU in 42
Recommit to YOU in 42
Join Rebecca for 6 weeks of movement, nutrition and consistency.
You Know You Need to Do Things Differently
You’re here because you know you need a different solution.
Maybe you’ve tried 5, 10, 20 diets or exercise programs over the last decade and you are sick and tired of rules, obsession and thinking about food constantly.
Maybe you’ve gathered so much information about nutrition and exercise programs that you feel paralyzed and scared you are messing everything up every second, so you throw up your hands and say, screw it, why bother, and just do whatever, whenever.
Maybe you’ve had some major life changes and have continued to put yourself on the back-burner for so long thinking “one day, I’ll get myself together.”
Look, I get it.
In 2014, that was me.
I had just lost my mom, was running on fumes with taking care of my family, working at my day job and then headed right to my studio for the rest of the day. I’d average about 65 working hours per week and even though health was what I taught, I was white knuckling my way through, trying to regain some sort of control of my life. The things that were “working” in the beginning to even maintain a healthy lifestyle weren’t working anymore and I was EXHAUSTED from trying to do everything perfectly with my nutrition and exercise.
And I said to myself, “Okay Becs, this is it. You have to learn how to balance this out, like…forever, what does THAT even look like?”
And I was hesitant!
Hesitant to try anything different, even though clearly the weekly push and grind cycle I was in was NOT working. I mean, I would tell myself, “you know what to do, you just need to do it.” Every Monday I’d wake up feeling like “I’ve got this,” only to find myself in the same self-sabotaging habits and behaviors by the end of the week.
And the negative self-talk and berating … never worked.
Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
Well, I had to finally look and the mirror and see that that was me.
As stubborn as I was, I needed a new solution. I was so dang overwhelmed… and I wouldn’t even admit WHY
So I started slowly started focusing on what I needed to do
I started slowly showing myself kindness and moving on after certain setbacks.
I started practicing mindfulness and abundance around food and TIME.
I started being kind to myself when my body wasn’t ready to what “I used to do.”
And the thing I was hesitant of happening—not getting on track and losing control!--did not happen. I found that I could trust myself with LESS, that less gave me more. That I could handle any situation anytime.
And guess what, that situation DID happen when I got injured November 2017. And I had reapply all of these same lessons again.
And over the course of these years, I became someone who finally experienced balance in all things food, movement and time freedom. Things feeling automated. Easy. Enjoyable.
Moderation. Simplicity and consistency.
And thus, Recommit to YOU in 42 was born.
I reverse engineered my own process and worked with hundreds of women to bring Recommit to YOU in 42 to life. 42 days to fully recommit to yourself!
It truly is magical if you have the courage to try a new way.
It’s changed the lives of so many women over the last 8 years and I want you to experience it, too.
Because you're here and I know you want solutions, I hope you join us.
How it works:
Upon enrollment, you'll get access to a closed private community where you'll be able to connect with everyone else.
My Mom inspired me to create a program that would help bring more clarity, direction, life strategies and passion into women's lives.
She passed away in 2014. She had many health issues that could have been avoided or prevented with a healthier, more active lifestyle. Losing her turned my world up-side down. For a time, I neglected to take care of myself. I busied myself with taking care of others. And I lost a little bit of myself along the way.
This is what happens to so many women. 72% of women put themselves last. We take care of our families. Our kids. Our husbands. Even our parents. And we rarely set time aside to take care of ourselves. From this adversity, I created Recommit to YOU.
When we have FOCUS we have POWER. When we focus on what we want, what we can control and what we have we start to become the leader of our own lives. The Life Strategies I have built into Recommit to YOU will help you gain clarity on your vision and help develop small attainable rituals to take ACTION on to be successful.
This online 6 week coaching program encompasses 6 modules to be delivered into your inbox each week that include personal development, life strategies, nutrition coaching and of course a 6 week exercise program to fully Recommit to YOU. In addition to all of that, we will have 4x Private 121 calls with me and Daily check-ins.
What we cover: Following the 5M Framework of mindset, minimalism, metabolism, movement, and meals, everything is broken down 12-modules that will be drip feed into your membership portal so that you don't get overwhelmed with everything all at once.
- Module 1: Getting Started: Stay true to yourself. Get your mind right. Self-Discovery time.
- Module 2: Mindset the 4 Pillars
- Module 3: Master the Basics. Structuring your Life
- Module 4: Control vs trust, Choice, Courage, Competence, and Confidence
- Module 5: Keep Climbin’ (Letting go, elimination, minimalism)
- Module 6: Have only good days and great days (getting away from negative self-talk)
- Module 7: Constantly Learn, Always Improve (Putting it all together)
- Module 8: Emotional Clearing (letting go of what doesn't serve you)
- Module 9: Sleep (optimizing your sleep to optimize your health and life)
- Module 10: Nutrition and Meals (building better behavior practices)
- Module 11: Metabolism
- Module 12: Movement (4 Phase Fat-Loss Strength Training plus mobility, core and flexibility)
- Module 13: and then some!
How it works:
Recommit to YOU is 6-week program that gives you bite-sized pieces from our main women’s wellness group Recommit to YOU in 52; Project SELF (living a life of Simplicity, Effortlessness, Love and Freedom).
I'll be working with each of you to work out your specific nutrition formula, what will work for you long-term and based on your goal: fat loss, muscle gain, moderation and mindfulness, balance and more.
At the end of the 6-weeks, you'll have a greater understanding of how you need to match your eating and training for best results, and what you can continue doing long after the 6 weeks is over.
Throughout this program, you’ll be delivered the exercise videos to go along with the program. It is perfect for beginners or those who have taken time away. Many want to get stronger and feel in their power with movement and this a great way to get started. You'll be able to ask questions or go over anything like modifications of regressions or progressions during our Q&A calls.
My goal for you is to become as consistent as possible, so you are well on your way to getting the results you want.
What can you expect by the end of the program?
This is a 100% personal development program with exercises to engage in and skills to develop. By the end of the 6 weeks, my goal for you is to have a complete understanding how your mind affects your rituals, body and outcomes.
My wish for you, is to overcome the negative self-talk, rebuild a positive relationship with food, learn to TRUST, have CONFIDENCE, and COURAGE to be STRONG, maintain your independence and have great adventures in life!
Let's do this!
Will I get to work with Rebecca? Yes, Rebecca will be in the group coaching you along with weekly trainings and Q&As and give you recommendations for what to try and how to progress if you get stuck. This is a full 6-week coaching program.
What if I have a specific goal? The Recommit to YOU movement portion is designed for beginners or those who are looking to get back on track. Modifications and progressions will be provided to customize to your unique goals as any group coaching program can be. If you are in the coaching group, we can discuss more options for you as well.
Will I have to spend money on special food or supplements? Nope, this program is designed to help you use and incorporate the foods you already eat into a mindful and satisfying eating approach that you can do forever. If you have questions about supplements, we can definitely talk about them, but I will never require you buy any supplement or any special food.
How is this different than the DIY Recommit to YOU in 42? This portion is a coaching and accountability program for people who are new to Recommit to YOU and want to learn and implement consistently the beliefs of the philosophy. With the coaching model, Recommit to YOU has evolved into eliminating your limits, changing the narratives we continue to tell ourselves that continue to hold us back and bring forth our best self.
Will I lose weight doing this? The Recommit to YOU coaching program is designed first and foremost to help you get back on track. To help you quit your food obsession. To learn how to tell yourself a different story so that you’re not on this negative loop all the time. The goal is to automate our eating, make mindfulness a habit and create a solid foundation on which we can change things up for various goals if needed.
That being said, once you quit self-destructive behaviors and overthinking, many clients find that they do end up losing weight naturally as a result of these practices. BUT we never start with that because when we start with "weight loss" we end up doing dieting behaviors and become obsessed again.
Recommit to YOU in 42 takes a high level view of eating and mindfulness and body composition results will vary, of course. I do recommend Recommit to You in 52; Project SELF for a more focused and long-term approach. 52 weeks of coaching working closely on everything from movement, nutrition, mobility, mindset and wellness and living a life of Simplicity, Effortlessness, Love and Freedom.
When are the live sessions each week? Live sessions will be every Tuesday and Thursday and I will announce the exact time before each new group starts. If you cannot be on live that week, I'll be opening up a questions thread where you can post and I will answer them live on the call and the replay will be delivered. I block out 60 minutes for each call with a short lesson and Q&A. If no one has questions, the calls will wrap up quickly. This is coaching time for you so please utilize this time to have your questions answered.
How much time will this take each week? I would commit to investing an hour a day to learn the lesson and put it into application. Whether that is movement practice, learning about your specific nutrition needs and meals, tracking your sleep and doing the 4 Pillar process. The whole point of this curriculum is a daily practice and to focus on LESS, so things become second nature and you'll actually get A LOT of time back!
Will you be running this again? If so, when?
The best time to start practicing this was 10 years ago. The best best time is now. Don't wait one more second to start implementing these strategies. You can literally start anytime, not just on Monday or January 1st. It's perfectly fine and GOOD to begin at your very next meal! And enrolling in this coaching program will ensure you have a community to hold you accountable and help you troubleshoot on the fly when you're struggling or needed adjustments. However, if now isn’t the time, it’s not the time. I’m not one to pressure you. I will offer this program again at some point but I don’t have the dates scheduled anytime soon.
Do you have a refund policy? Obviously I don't ever want someone to follow through on something they don't find valuable. But, with that said, I can guarantee that if you show up consistently to the group, watch the trainings, implement the lessons, YOU WILL experience massive results.
But if you do all those things and in the first 14 days you feel it's not for you, then I'll be happy to refund your investment.
Can I do the Recommit to YOU in 42 DIY instead? Yes, Recommit to YOU is also packaged up in a DIY format for you to start anytime, anywhere. Once you enroll, everything is drip fed into your inbox the following Monday. This is the original 42 day format. The investment is less, but you won’t get live weekly coaching with Rebecca or any of the updated modules that include sleep, metabolism, hormones and emotional clearing.
I've already done Recommit to YOU in 42 before, can I do it again or should I do something else? Best answer I can give you is, if you’ve done it before and a significant amount of time has passed, it would be wonderful to do the 6-week coaching portion again as there is a ton of new material. You may be at a different place in your life and the messages will resonate differently. If you are looking for more, I do recommend Recommit to You in 52; Project SELF for a more focused and long-term approach. 52 weeks of coaching working closely on everything from movement, nutrition, mobility, mindset and wellness and living a life of Simplicity, Effortlessness, Love and Freedom. This curriculum and format developed and inspired by all the teaching I’ve learned through movement, nutrition, life coaching, mindset and neurology trainings. Digging deep on the WHY we keep repeating the same behaviors and habits that keep up stuck.
Hope to see you in the group!