![]() We are SUPER excited to announce our Member of the Month for March to Drew Setter! Drew has made some CONSISTENT steps for his health and fitness. He usually gets a great start to the year as he stays in Santa Fe for work. When it's time to come home around March those habits built are hard to keep, especially with all of the other family activities. He lost 11 pounds on in own while he was away and CONTINUES to work hard in varies activities as well as Finally Fit. His strength has increased and his waist line has decreased! During his workout this morning, he was very happy telling me that he was able to pull the waist band away from one of his suits and there was a considerable amount of space in between! It's such a great feeling when you see a difference in yourself, especially when trying on clothes! As he's gearing up for basketball, I think we need to also think about another Spartan Race coming up in August! Anyone else in? Congrats Drew, keep up the STRONG work!
![]() So this week while you're tracking your nutrition, you may be asking "what is the ONE THING I need to do to get results?" There is always that ONE THING that people are looking for to take them to the next level. To provide all of the solutions to their problems. To get them into the clothes they desire. To feel better. To move better. To perform better. Far to often I see people trying a bunch of things and not giving it enough time to make an impact. "oh yeah, I tried that for about a week and I didn't see any results." "I went to the gym twice and I didn't see any results." "I tried that program twice and didn't see any benefit." "I signed up for that 12 week program but only went a handful of times." The truth about success is simple and as stated by Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect, "there are not 5,000 things one needs to do well to be successful. There are about a half-dozen things that need to be done well, just done 5,000 times over to be successful." So for example, if we were to pick out a half-dozen things that need to be done well: 1. Continue tracking nutrition, exercise and in some cases sleep 2. Following your nutrition program 90% of the time throughout the week. 3. Eating until you're 80% full 4. Drinking half your body weight in ounces of water per day (200 pounds = 100 ounces of water) 5. Having a protein, veggie or fruit with every meal 6. Including healthy fats in your daily intake Seems pretty basic and it really is. We really want to be able to master the basics therefore, if I were to suggest ONE THING it would be CONSISTENCY. Consistency with the basics. Master the basics. Doing the basics 5,000 times over to be successful. Instead of doing 5,000 things once or twice. This is something that has taken me a long time to put into action for a different area in my life. Once my mindset shifted, it has simplified the way I do things and also less stress! ______________________________________________________________ My food for today so far: One chicken sausage (no nitrates) with one zucchini and 1/2 avocado Protein shake (organic plant based protein, 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp peanut butter) Spinach and kale salad with salmon, feta and balsamic One small bowl of cereal (cocoa puffs) Dinner will probably be sweet potato and salmon The cocoa puff story- As long as I know the rest of my day has been doing well, I can trust myself enough to have a something in small amounts. In this case, Sophie wanted to spend time together eating cereal. We enjoyed a small bowl and that was that. No guilt for what I ate and I enjoyed our time together. If circumstances were different, (training for a show, getting blood sugars down, leaning down for a specific dress size, etc) then this probably wouldn't apply. _________________________________________________________ Let me know how you're doing and share your tracking! ![]() So how did you do last week in terms of nutrition? What did you struggle with? Was it planning? Eating out too much? Not eating enough? Did you track your foods (right down what you ate, drank, etc)? If not, totally OK, but I want you to really think about what your goals are. What is it that you really want to achieve? Is it a clothing size? A certain feeling? Feeling of wellness, health, confidence, sexiness, strength? Or maybe it's energy. Energy to keep up with your kids, to work 12 hour days, to do something totally out of the ordinary but always something that you've always wanted to do. Why is it encouraged to keep track of what you eat? 1. If you don't know what you've done, how do you know where you're going? 2. If you've tracked your intake, we can see what changes need to be made to move you further. 3. To keep yourself accountable. 4. To see on paper, or for you techies on your app, and have that visual and remembrance "oh that's right, I forgot I had a couple of beers on Tuesday night" or "yeah, I did eat the rest of my kids mac-n-cheese." All of those little things add up. So this coming week focus on tracking what you're eating. If you want to bring it in or email it to me that's great, I'll be happy to look at them. One of my mentors would tell his clients that if they weren't bringing in their food logs each week, he wouldn't take the time to do measurements at the end of each month. He's a pretty straight forward Scotsman, but it shows just how important keeping track of what you're eating, drinking, and even sleeping play in your success. Last week I did pretty well with the exception of tax day. I had chic-fil-a's spicy chicken sandwich, a couple of fries (too dry and hard), and a sprite. Throughout the week I did some intermittent sampling of chocolate coated almonds. If you aren't familiar with intermittent sampling, let me know and I can include that in a future post. ![]() It was just over a month ago that I was happily walking up to Sophie’s school for her awards ceremony. It was a beautiful morning! Emma was in her stroller and I was ready to conquer the day. I had my priorities lined up to do that day. Breakfast done. Coffee done. I was ready. Sophie’s school isn’t too far from the house, maybe a 5-7 minute walk. About half way through my toes started getting tingling and like they were going numb. Soon after my fingers and hands started to feel the same. I’ve had this sensation before and it usually doesn’t end well. I took several deep breaths, slowed down my pace and focused on the beautiful day, not what my body was about to do. I got to the school and as I got my visitor badge I remember thinking, “I really hope this (the tingling and numbness) passes.” I settled into the gymnasium with tons of kids, parents and teachers and I immediately felt my heart race. The more I focused on deep breathing, the more the rest of my body started going numb, including around my face. It started getting really hot in there, or it could’ve just been my body reacting, I don’t know but the hotter it got, the more my body said “nope, we’re not doing this today.” This made me even more nervous as I walked there with Emma. I still have to get back home. When the awards ceremony ended, I had to get away from the commotion. Quickly. I headed out determined to “cool off” or find a quiet place before I headed back home. I didn’t make it but a few feet out of the gymnasium door. I reached out and gently put my hand on the back of Coach. As she turned around she knew right away something was up. I said “I don’t feel well.” Not long after that the paramedics were called and it was determined I had a panic attack. As I mentioned, my body as done this a few times before. And the paramedics have been called before. I’ve been to the ER before. While I’m still not sure why I had a panic attack or even if the previous ones were panic attacks, I can tell you that all of the symptoms I had on this occasion were related to my thyroid issues (Hashimotos) since Emma’s birth. Even though my brain was ready to rock that day, my body simply said “nope.” So I’ve been focusing on me (rest, workload, activities, surroundings, and nutrition). Nutrition has played a huge role in how I feel just 30 days later. I’ve removed coffee (sad sigh), eggs, potato, chili (another sad sigh), cheese (I’ve been dairy free with the exception of a smidgen of fiesta cheese on my eggs) and also my beloved coffee. Oh wait, I already mentioned coffee. Basically my entire breakfast. After Sophie was born I went through this as well and it took me about 3 years to research and figure out what works best for me. What worked well then is not the case this time. As I’m revisiting and learning more about what to eat for Hashimotos I'm relieved to say I feel so much better! The key take away pieces of all of this is:
![]() Hi guys, I hope you had a wonderful weekend and got to really celebrate Easter with this beautiful weather! As we get a start on the week I know many of you have been non-stop working, go, go, go, and feeling a wee bit frazzled! I wanted to share a little tip that helps me get fired up for the week. I love Mondays. It's a chance to dive deep into what I need to get done and get the momentum going. It's been challenging having Emma with me all the time and I often don't feel like I'm getting anywhere! Some days I get a lot done while she's napping and of course most days we play, snuggle, eat and enjoy. What works well for me is setting my Big 5 for the week. Out of my lengthy to-do list, I pick the top 5 that are priority. If I get one thing done each day or all 5 done by the end of the week, I'm a happy camper. I'll admit, every time I look at my list I get a bit of anxiety. I'm still learning that it's not all going to get done as quickly as I'd prefer. So what are your Top 5? My personal Top 5 for this week: 1. Prep my next day foods the night before 2. TAXES!! 3. Aim for 2-3 workouts this week 4. Focus on quality time with family 5. Work on Finally Fit's Top 5. This is where the massive to-do list sets in! (Finish programs for my clients, etc) _________________________________________________________ I wanted to share with you our 4 week Spring Clean your Nutrition coming next week. Join me for this accountability group that is absolutely FREE and all online for the next 4 weeks beginning TODAY Monday April 17th. If you need to spring clean your nutrition, hit me up and I’ll add you to the accountability group. This is NOT a quick weight loss challenge, fat loss contest, or high stress get in shape fast program. That’s not what we’re about and if you’re looking for that, we’re not the right fit for you. We’re simply cleaning up what we’re eating, learning and establishing some healthy habits and having the accountability to see it through. I’ll be in the trenches with you for these next 4 weeks so if this sounds like something that you'd want to do, reply back with "I'm IN!" and I’ll be looking forward to seeing you in the group! Hey guys I hope you are all having a great start to your SPRING!!
I love spring time, it’s my favorite season, despite all of the allergies! It gets me more revved up and motivated then the “New Year.” Spring time really is an awakening time for me. The weather is beautiful and the outside starts calling me! Yard work, cleaning out the garage, and really clearing out the excess is my kind of fun and soothes my soul. Joey and I rearranged the garage just a bit and as we’re moving our shelving over I kept thinking “why am I keeping all of this?” Especially after I nearly broke my nose after a lid popped off a tub and I basically slugged myself in the face! It’s so freeing to just be able to “let go “and give it someone who can find more value in it. Now you may be thinking, “What does this have to do with health and fitness?” Of course health and fitness isn’t all about lifting weights and eating right. Although we do have our FREE 4 week Spring Clean your Nutrition coming up, but hang tight for a moment. I share this with you because I’ve received several comments on how much my minimalism journey has inspired them to be able to “think” about letting go. It can be mentally stressful holding onto so much stuff. I watched my mom for years accumulate an unimaginable amount of fabric, notions, patterns, items for others, and collectables. She wasn’t a hoarder by any means but she did have a scarcity mindset. “I may need this JUST IN CASE.” When the time came to find an item for a project, it would often take a few hours to remember where she put it. It would stress her out! For me, it made me claustrophobic and a huge sense of anxiety to be in the middle of it all. It’s literally taken me 2 years just to go through mom’s things. For a loved ones items, it really depends but you have to go at your own pace. When it comes to our belongings the process is much faster. Where do we start? The top 3 tips that helped me:
It's important to me where this all goes. Mom used to donate to a Women's Coalition Group and have continued with that. We’ve donated to family, to her church, and even to other local charitable organizations. Donating to Savers or Goodwill doesn’t provide the same value as it does like the others. If that’s important to you as well, check out other local organizations you can donate. Coming up: Spring clean your Nutrition! Join me for this accountability spring cleaning for your nutrition. This is absolutely FREE and all online for the next 4 weeks beginning Monday April 17th. If you need to spring clean your nutrition, contact us and I’ll add you to the accountability group. This is not a quick weight loss challenge, fat loss contest, or high stress get in shape fast program. That’s not what we’re about and if you’re looking for that, we’re not the right fit for you. We’re simply cleaning up what we’re eating, learning and establishing some healthy habits and having the accountability to see it through. I’ll be in the trenches with you for these next 4 weeks and I’ll be looking forward to seeing you in the group! ![]() We know we are little bit behind but we are SUPER excited to announce our Member of the Month for February to Shelley Carney! Shelley is no stranger to being the member of the month but this time for her valiant efforts and determination to compete in her first bikini competition! We had talked about it in great lengths over the last year and in fact we were going to do this together last year (but someone got pregnant instead!). Shelley was able to place in 2 of the 3 classes she entered and had some tough competition on stage. Everyone puts so much hard work into themselves it’s hard to put a placing on someone. There are several different categories for the competition; bikini, figure, physique and bodybuilding. Each category requiring a ton of work and dedication. Bikini has become more popular over the last several years, although my personal preference is figure. Either way, it can take several years to build the physique you want to showcase on stage. During Shelley’s journey she has lost an overall 6.17% body fat. She’s lost 4.4 pounds which can be discouraging when you’re only paying attention to the number on the scale. However, when you look at the breakdown, she’s actually lost 9.24 pounds of fat mass and gained 4.84 pounds of lean body mass! She had no problems telling you about her “love” for zucchini and ProTan but she made a huge sacrifice and commitment to compete and did an amazing job! f "Finally Fit provides me with a customized fitness and nutrition program that has given me a higher level of fitness than I have ever experienced. I have more confidence, self-esteem and I feel great every day. Rebecca Grijalva is a caring, consistent and friendly coach who is excited to help her clients achieve their fitness goals." |
AuthorRebecca Grijalva Categories
January 2024