A little tough love today...
I asked a question yesterday in my private Facebook group: Is it MORE important to change diet and exercise or behavior patterns? For several weeks I’ve been sharing A LOT about mindset. It all ties in to this- Where the mind flows the body goes. You all have one thing in common. You’ve come to me one way or another for fitness and nutrition coaching. But none of that matters. Why? Because mindset matters most. In everything we do. Take weight loss for example: It's not just "I want to lose weight."
And this is no way meant to be rude, disrespectful or condescending at all. This is the exact language I’ve heard from so many women over the last 15 years. So let me ask… how is that working for you? It’s an honest question that, if you are still struggling with achieving your goals, maybe we need to be honest and get real with. Because here’s the thing, and I’ve seen this over and over again throughout my career in the fitness industry. Instead of playing the long game and making themselves a priority, every single day, people will jump to the next program. And then when that one doesn’t work, they move on to the next program, gym or trainer. And when that doesn’t work they move on again. Over time, a narrative, a story has built up in their heads that they’re a failure, and that nothing will work so why bother, that they will always be this way. Their unconscious narrative has given up before they even begin. Here is where everything that I’ve been talking about comes into the picture.
Because the story you tell is the truth you know. You don’t know what you don’t know. My coach said this today that completely resonated with me and I hope it does with you too, “Your success in anything is positively and absolutely guaranteed unless or until you get in the way.” Hold the vision Trust the process Commit to the day Nourish your purpose now Mad love for you all Reach out if this resonates with you and you’re ready to learn how to change the story you’ve been telling yourself. Rebecca
Knowing what’s important to us and WHY gives us direction and purpose.
When we don’t do what we believe or feel in our gut to be “right”, we don’t feel the best. Our bodies, expressions, energy we give off and even actions show it. If we live by our values, things flow almost effortlessly. What do you value? What’s most important to you in life? What does an extraordinary life look like for you? What kind of person do you want to be? For myself, living by my personal core values is important. It is precious and I guard that. I’m not saying it’s always easy. Sometimes I have the shiny object syndrome or squirrel moments that try and steal my focus. I come back to my WHY. My values. My family. The life we've created. However you chose to envision your future, imagine it, capture it, fix in your mind exactly what you desire and have fun along the way. Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca P.S.- If you’re feeling like being a part of our next group of unstoppable ladies, shoot me a message, we begin our journey on Monday Yesterday I announced my next online wellness group. In it, you will learn the exact “roadmap” I was looking for all those years... The exact steps I took to change my circumstances, my health, and my life. No more excuses... no more limitations.... no more feeling lost, overwhelmed or repeating the same story over and over and over. Are you suffering from: * Inability to lose weight * Repeating the same old habits and stories * Mood issues * Depression * Brain fog * Chronic fatigue *Overwhelm *Stagnation *Over-thinking *Anxiety *Unable to get into a routine Are you stuck in this negative loop and can’t seem to step out if it? Most people never do, because they stay stuck in their heads, replaying the same dis-serving scenario. So many people want to make changes but get overwhelmed with where to start, thinking about all the many necessary steps they think it will take to get there. I will lead you in an 8 WEEK online wellness and mindset system that will start with the essential step: changing the narrative you keep telling yourself. During this 8 week Self-Discovery (group) course we will learn the fundamentals of:
What it includes: Pre: Laying the foundation and getting started
8 weeks
Signups begin immediately. YOU CAN MESSAGE ME PRIVATELY TO SIGN UP, ASK QUESTIONS, ETC. THE GROUP STARTS JULY 20th. The first step is to commit to trying, and I will be here to help you through. Journaling.
Mom had so many journals! Many of us have. To capture stories Family history Express self Frustration Dream In some ways, Facebook has been that way. We share our lives How can we grow Self-discover Get lost in our own thoughts for who we want to create our lives. But, like mom, we never finish a journal. We’ve never taken the time to have that daily introspection. Then when we do, we start a new journal. Often it’s because we don’t know where we put the other one! Soon, there’s a stack of journals with one or two entries. Or, what I’ve found over the years going through moms things, pieces of paper with notes on them. About a memory she had A family history story A poem she liked. Live a life worth telling a story about. How do we write the story we want to share with our family? How do we change the story we’ve been repeating over and over that doesn’t serve us? How do we go from stuck to sustainable? How do we eliminate our limits so that we can level up, move forward and experience positive proof instead of negative stories? Next Monday we start our Nourish Your Purpose Now Self-Discovery group. A deep dive into eliminating your limits Removing road blocks Emotional release Vision creation Courage Strength If you want to change the story you’ve been telling yourself, send me a message if you’re in. We begin Monday July 20th. Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca Today I shared with my private Facebook group how our past influences and experiences shape our unconscious mind and how we react to events that are happening in our lives today.
Take weight loss for example: If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, chances are you’ve tried to do it more than once. Chances are you’ve “failed” more than once. Attempt after attempt a little piece of each one of those experiences is building in the back of your mind telling you that it’ll never work. No matter how hard you “try,” you know it won’t work and revert back to your old habits. We continue to get overwhelmed, stressed, depressed, confused, hopeless and angry. Insert anything you’ve tried and “failed” at: finances, relationships, career, etc. You didn’t fail. You’re not broken. If failing is nothing more than a "learning opportunity," then why are we afraid to fail? If you go looking for the negative in something or someone, you will find it. We will always have that Bound Nature energy coming into our lives. The key is to learn how to flow through it effortless when it arises. To TRUST the process The story you tell is the truth you know. I appreciate you listening to me ramble and share some light. If you want to change the story you keep telling yourself, I have a special announcement tomorrow. Stay tuned…. Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca Yesterday, I shared with you a couple of "life hacks" that have guided me into the direction that I envisioned.
Of course having that vision is #1 Followed by trusting the process. Committing to today to keep you on track. I'd like to share two more:
When this injury of mine decided to be here longer than expected, I went through a patch of deep sadness. Maybe even some mild depression. I’ve always tried to be hopeful and positive with any situation, but the longer the injury persisted, the more I started to question if I was ever going to be “myself” again. My identity was wrapped up in what I could do physically. I was proud of how strong I was. Having a little gym of weights that I can’t even use was frustrating. But, I had to be my own client for a moment. I had to change the narrative and conversation in my head about what I couldn’t do, to focusing on everything else I COULD do. Because the story we tell ourselves is the truth you know.
Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca I wanted to share a couple of things I shared on my call last night that have guided the direction of the way things have unfolded for me.
I’ve shared a lot of questions this week that I struggled with for several years. There is still so much to my story but the questions are similar with each adversity that has presented itself. I believe there is a lesson and opportunity when we’re faced with something major in our lives. How we react, respond and grow from it is where I find the unexpected magic happens. For instance: When I sat down in Telluride, October 2017, to visualize where I wanted my life to go, to move forward, to let go of, I received a piece of advice from a dear friend and coach “put it out into the universe and it will unfold for you.” So I did. I planned out my 2-3 vision of what I wanted my life to look like. What I was doing Where I was spending my time What I was feeling What I was doing with my family Where were we traveling What our house looked like I got deep into that vision and after I wrote it down, I kept it nearby to look at, adjust if needed and keep it in the forefront of my mind. My 2-3 year vision started to unfold within 6 months. Imaging our outcome and trusting the process is monumental, not only in our physical body, but in our mental, emotional and spiritual body as well. Create a vision Imagine the outcome Trust the process If this resonates with you, send me a DM, let’s chat. Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca The pivotal point for me to even start thinking about a change for myself was when my mom died.
When I began the quest of health and wellness, it was for my mom. She was diabetic. She was overweight. What many people don’t know is, when I was a kid, my mom and I went to the 4th of July parade where we lived in Monument, Colorado. When we got out of the VW bus that her friend drove, blood had covered mom’s seat. She had hemorrhaged. She was carried off by ambulance and I stayed with close friends for a week. The vision I saw at the young age of 6 was something that could not be unseen. It also gave me the greatest fear – losing my mom. Because of that fear, I remember crying myself to sleep many nights, even in my teens. As I got older, everything I did, was to help her in any way possible. Just so we wouldn’t lose her. When she had her stroke, it was the hardest decision to make to let her go. Imagine all my life trying to help her and then I couldn’t. My passion for everything I was doing died along with her. I didn’t care to keep my studio open. I didn’t have any desire to keep doing what I was doing. I felt lost. Defeated. Devastated. F@*k it. But still, I kept going. Then when we found out we were pregnant with Emma, quiet whispers kept creeping in. Let the studio go. Be PRESENT with the family – with myself. I kept on for another couple of years but these quiet whispers were getting louder and louder. How can I slow this all down? How can I create simplicity in my life? Life is way too precious, I want to soak in every moment with my kiddos How can I turn off my brain going a million miles an hour of everything I HAVE to do so that I can be PRESENT? How am I going to make this all work if I close down my studio? How do I move FORWARD without it feeling like life is speeding up? Have you ever felt like this? This mental tug-of-war? Send me a message if so because I know exactly how that all feels. Those are the questions we’ll be looking at during our Nourish Your Purpose Now lesson THIS evening. TONIGHT July 8 6pm (MTN) Zoom ID – 475 696 7903 Password – summit Would be honored if you joined me Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca I’ve shared this before and it’s from one of those aha moments we have when we finally “get it.” My coach calls them Bruce Lee moments. They don’t necessarily come from Bruce Lee, but they still create an impact in our lives to help us move forward.
Here is an example of a Bruce Lee quote that has really resonated with me “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” If you know me, you know one of my mantras is “keep it simple, master the basics.” But I wasn’t always this way. I used to pride myself in taking on so many tasks, challenges, clients, classes, certifications, etc. Between full-time work, full-time school, getting married, having kiddos, running a business, figure competitions, Spartan races, even a triathlon, and everything in between, I was ALL IN!! I was THE BEST (in my opinion of course, hence the perfectionism mentality I talked about yesterday) at multi-tasking! What happened? TOTAL BURNOUT. It was only a matter of time for me to be running on all cylinders for so long that this would happen. Something else happened. When the events ended, the challenges ended, the ALL IN training ended. I could quickly see how when so many people finish a challenge, they revert back to their old habits. There was a feeling of “now what?” It was always go, go, go, go and wondering if there was going to be a time to just BE. Once on got CLEAR and FOCUSED on what I wanted to achieve for my LIFE, then I could work backwards and narrow things down to fit my lifestyle, family, goals and really live life by design. It’s been so refreshing to be able to wake up and enjoy without having worry, anxiety, stress and seriousness about everything! But I also have to tell you, even when things started to unfold like I wanted, I went through a grieving process of what my life WAS like, of WHO I was. Realizing that my identity was wrapped up in the physical things my body could do and caught up on what I couldn’t do due to a chronic injury. How do you get peace of mind from something like that? How do you move away from the constant grind? How do you find simplicity in the ever chaotic and busy world? How do I fit it all in? What if I don’t get it right or it isn’t perfect? Does any of this relate to you? Send me a message if it does. Those are the questions we’ll be looking at during our Nourish Your Purpose Now lesson tomorrow evening. Wednesday July 8 6pm (MTN) Zoom ID – 475 696 7903 Would be honored if you joined me. Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca If you’re like the rest of us you’ve likely tried to change everything all at once. What happens?
It doesn’t work!! Something gives usually within the first week or second week and we either give up all together or get so mad at ourselves we feel inadequate, like a failure or that this is NEVER going to work because we can’t get it perfectly, every single time. Our mindset goes from excited and ready to overwhelm, stress, anxiety, frustration and anger. Experts tend to define perfectionism as “a combination of excessively high personal standards are overly critical self-evaluations.” 49 percent of women said their stress has increased over the past five years. 92 percent of working moms and 89 percent of stay-at-home mothers felt overwhelmed by work, home and parenting responsibilities, mostly due to perfectionism. Anxiety and depression are only some of the mental health problems that specialists have repeatedly linked with perfectionism. According to Wikipedia, perfectionism is a risk factor for obsessive compulsive disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, eating disorders, social anxiety, social phobia, body dysmorphic disorder, workaholism, self-harm, substance abuse, and clinical depression as well as physical problems like chronic stress, and heart disease. Wow. Can we just step back and really let that sink in a moment? Does any of this relate to you? Send me a message if it does. I always talk about overwhelm, creating a balanced life and simplicity but having that connection to perfectionism really shines a light on why we’re always stuck in this cycle, doesn’t it? Where does this perfectionism come from and why is it getting in the way of living our best life? How do you learn to become more calm and present in a busy and chaotic world? How can you better harness the power of your inner self to create the life you want? Those are the questions we’ll be looking at during our Nourish Your Purpose Now lesson Wednesday evening. Wednesday July 8 6pm (MTN) Zoom ID – 475 696 7903 Would be honored if you joined me. Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca |
AuthorRebecca Grijalva Categories
January 2024