Part of being ready, willing, and able is knowing WHY you're doing something in the first place.
Yesterday was World Stroke Day. When I think about what is important in my life, when I really dig down deep about the kind of person I want to be and know WHY, it’s because of events that yesterday represented. Knowing what's important to us and why gives us direction and purpose. If we live according to those values, life (and often, good health) "flows" almost effortlessly. When we don’t do what we believe or feel in our gut to be "right", we don't feel good. And our bodies show it. So, what do you value? Dig down for a second.
Ask yourself why do I want to accomplish this? Then, with whatever answer you come up with, ask why again and again I’m reminded of my toddler asking “why” with every answer I give her, BUT there is something to that method. For instance, for me: "I want to be healthy."
That’s a lot of insight for a few little questions. For me, being healthy really means being in charge of my life to prevent outcomes like my mom. That’s a crucial insight. I’m not just looking to be as strong as I was. I also want to feel a certain way at the end of the process. Strong. More energetic. More in control of the outcome (even though we have no way of knowing what will actually happen, at least I can say I did everything I could). And that's what's really important to me. Being strong is just a way to get there. Your 5 Whys Ok, now it’s your turn to play. Write down your 5 Whys. Really. Give it some thought. Be honest. If you’d care to share send me a DM, I’d love to hear from you and even help you get there! Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca
AuthorRebecca Grijalva Categories
January 2024