Three years ago was when I decided to stop lying to myself.
I would always pride myself to push my limits. To take on any task given to me. To begin my work day at 3am and end at 8pm. I was a workaholic. When I look back, I had been doing this type of schedule for over 20 years. If it wasn’t working my day job then finishing up my degree, it was working my day job then going to my next job, then my side hustle. Eventually that side hustle became a brick and mortar personal studio after years of planning, dreaming and creating. I made it happen. I made it work. I had a great system. Off at 10am from day job then open up my doors at 11am until 8pm at my studio. Let’s not forget to add some kids and family to the mix. But I made it work and I thrived on challenge, deadlines and presentation – in everything. It’s almost embarrassing to admit, but I wasn’t taking care of myself the way I am now. I didn’t have days off. I didn’t take vacations. 2018 was our first vacation in over 6 years. I didn’t do this for some pat on the back or Medal of Honor. It was just how my brain was wired, and I actually enjoyed it. I thrived on it. I literally didn’t know how to relax. To just BE. When I was pregnant with Emma, I kept telling myself that I needed to close my studio. Not because I didn’t like it anymore, but because my heart was tugging on something more. Balance. Time with my family. Time with myself. I was overwhelmed after adding a new baby to our daily routine. I was having anxiety attacks. They were debilitating. Some required emergency medical assistance. I was still operating on all cylinders but I keep hearing these quiet whispers get louder and louder that something needed to change. Being so overwhelmed I want to cry, or have moments of break down. Being so impatient because I knew I needed to get the work done but other things keep piling on. I was always told that there is no such thing as balance and even got laughed at such an ideal. I’m not sharing this for any sort of sympathy or affirmation that I’ve done the right thing. I’m sharing for those who may be feeling overwhelmed, stressed or on the brink of a breakdown that there IS such a thing as a balanced life. A harmonious life. Three years ago I got real with what I wanted out of life moving forward, dreamed and created it, again. If any of this resonates with you, I’m happy to chat! Send a DM and let’s have that conversation because you can do it too. Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca
I wanted to share this great poem I read that captures the change process:
Portia Nelson Chapter 1 I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost. I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter 2 I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend that I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in this same place. But it isn’t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out. Chapter 3 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in. It’s a habit. But my eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. Chapter 4 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. Chapter 5 I walk down another street. We all have that one bad habit we KNOW we shouldn’t be doing. Yet, we continue to do it. It’s an unconscious pattern that we have gotten ourselves into.
Here’s the thing, when it comes to changing a habit, getting in shape, eating better, creating a life you desire…there will always be roads to navigate. The process is never linear. What saddens me is those who have started and stopped so many times they’ve unconsciously conditioned themselves that it really won’t work. They wait for the perfect day. The perfect time. When things settle down, I’ll do it. Or something many of my fitpro friends and I have heard many times, “I’ll start the program when I lose the weight first.” There is already a wall put up by those limiting beliefs that someone will not commit to themselves for the long game. And that’s my message for today: Play the long-game. Keep showing up. Keep trying. Be patient. Progress, not perfection Remember that changing habits can be challenging. Here a 5 tips to help you along:
It’s my goal to help those who want to go from stuck to sustainable, to eliminate their limits, to recommit to themselves, find and nourish their purpose. If you want to chat more about how to get unstuck, clear the overwhelm and on a road to balance and peace, reach out, I am here. Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca Are you searching to figure out where you’re next step will be?
To change your lifestyle? To enhance it somehow? To stay consistent in areas that you’re not? To find your own purpose and vision? Really. Give it some thought. Be honest. Here are a few prompts to help you get started.
What do you want? We often start a change process thinking about what we don’t want. For instance:
That’s a good start. But it’s not exactly a clear action plan, is it? In addition, the negative self-talk can bring our energy and belief about ourselves down even more. Define what you do want. Here are some more prompts for you to think about…
Doesn’t that feel way more inspiring? It also starts to give us a roadmap for taking action. In a year from today, in an ideal world…
Don't worry about how "realistic" this is right now. Whether it’s climbing a mountain, biking across the world, going cliff diving, winning a competition, feeling like a ninja, or just fitting in to your old pants… imagine who and where you could be one year from now. How are you feeling? At peace Effortlessness Calm Freedom However you choose to envision your future one year from now: Imagine it. Capture it. Have fun with it. And make it just a little more real today. Because we get so caught up in our everyday lives focusing on what we don’t want, we miss the importance of creating the life we do. Much love, Becs When we are still and present we can hear those quiet whispers that are guiding us in the direction we’re suppose to go.
When we fight and try to control those whispers we become anxious, frustrated, depressed and even take it out on our loved ones. Listen to those quiet whispers. Trust them. We often have these internal battles in our minds of how things are going to unfold and it can drive us crazy! We don’t know how things are going to turn out, COVID or not. We can make plans, pivot and adjust but there is no guarantee how things will look a year from now. Focus on today and strive to be a little bit better than yesterday.
We can only control what we can control which is why I firmly believe to be the leader of my own life. To be my own guarantee. It took a lot of work to bring my life into balance and even now as my kiddos are screaming the new Frozen song in the background, I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you need help with clearing the overwhelm and bringing your life into balance, send me a DM, reply to this email and let’s chat! Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca Wow! I don’t know about you but even in these unusual times, I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown by. I mean, we are already ending the 6th week of this quarantine. I don’t know about you but I could use another 6 weeks or so! I’m kidding of course, I mean, I really need a haircut. Have you tried cutting your hair yet? Luckily you can’t tell where I’ve screwed up and even if you could, hey, I’m not going anywhere for anyone to see!
Anyway, with everything going on it might be hard to keep up with random weird things so I wanted to let you know that May is National Recommitment Month. This year has been flying by and it’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day, especially recent events. Sometimes we get off track and sometimes we find that our original goal no longer speaks to us. Whatever your situation may be, this is a great opportunity to step back and see how you’re doing. This will challenge us to evaluate important areas of our life, refocus and recommit. We have so many areas of our lives that we want to improve upon, it’s often difficult to keep them all balanced. Have you ever done really great at an exercise program, like you’re killing it in the gym, but just couldn’t get the eating right? Or your nutrition is on point but you haven’t worked out in weeks. Or even something a little more personal that you’re contributing energy, love and time into but keep putting yourself on the back burner. So how do we Recommit? Well that all depends on your initial goals but here is how I simplify and break it down to achieve mine (not to be confused with EASY, it still requires EFFORT).
I hope these five tips help you Recommit to YOU this month! Let me know if I can help in any way! Nourish your purpose now, Rebecca |
AuthorRebecca Grijalva Categories
January 2024